LarryM FobbsJr.
Nov 16, 2022


The VA Department of Psychology is stressing me out. If at all possible, I will never put myself in any stressful situations again…

especially with Mental Health Professionals.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

At first, I asked for refills of my Sertraline and Hydroxyzine over and over again. Now I have to keep asking for at least enough medication to last me until my appointment date with them, over and over again. This has been going on for better than a year.

Is there anybody besides me who think this may add to my depression, stress, and anxiety?

This is by far not the only problem that I’m having with the VA that causes me mental anguish. But to get mental anguish from the people who are supposed to help me deal with mental anguish is a bit of…

mental anguish.

It can’t get any worse. Or can it?




LarryM FobbsJr.

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